Mission of the Curriculum
The mission of the curriculum is to educate and train, and produce good quality middle level agriculture personnel equipped with sound skills and knowledge of plant science along with extension and community development.
The strategy is to achieve our mission of educational excellence by maintaining expert faculty, implementing a sound curriculum and recruiting and producing quality students.
The philosophy of the curriculum is based on the development of both effective and efficient agriculture and extension service providers as professionals for fulfilling the present needs of people with its socio cultural impacts on community farm management. The approach will focus on addressing second generation issues of present agriculture sector such as community development, commercial agriculture soil conservation etc.
Programme Description
This course is based on the job required to be performed by a middle level agriculture technician in different institutions of Nepal. Diploma in Agriculture course extends over 3 years. The first year focuses on basic sciences and fundamental subjects, the second year on agriculture, soil management and conservation, community development and running a farmer field school, and the third year is given to cover the other agriculture related subjects and to the application of learned theory and skill development within comprehensive practice settings in both agriculture related institutions and
Aim and Objectives of the program
Main aim of this three-year job-oriented academic Programme in agriculture after the SLC graduation is envisaged by the institute. The 3 years Diploma Programme is therefore oriented to include fundamental courses in the first year. Remaining two years are concentrated for agriculture sciences including the course on entrepreneurship, which is limited in past I. Sc. courses. It is generally felt that there is greater need to have middle level human resources capable of taking establishing the self enterprise. This course is designed to fulfill this gap. Besides, this vocational course will address a longfelt need for a shorter course aimed at imparting practical agriculture skills and also opening up a host of
employment and entrepreneurial possibilities to students. The overall objective of the program is to produce qualified agriculture technical human resources required for livelihood improvement of community through the participatory methods.
The aim of this course is to produce mid-level human resources equipped with knowledge and skills in agriculture and allied subjects
The objectives of this course are summarized as follows.
to provide technical knowledge and skills in different aspects of agriculture, horticulture and plant protection with community development and entrepreneurship.
to produce quality human resources to provide technical and managerial services in public and private agriculture sector
to develop competency in agriculture related enterprises
to provide extensive field based experiences to meet specific and growing needs of different agriculture and horticulture stakeholders
Conceptual Framework
The major focus of this Programme is to produce qualified agriculture technicians for supporting good governance and to improve equitable livelihood of farmers especially addressing the needs of disadvantaged groups and women of the community. The course structure deals with theory and practical aspects of agriculture improvement of community group members, individuals and it is designed on modular basis.
The course will have two components: Core course and content course. Basic science, mathematics and language course is termed as core course and all agriculture courses are termed as content course. The module for first year is designed with basic science courses: Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and Mathematics, Nepali, English.
The subjects for second year includes Agriculture related specialization subjects: Name of courses: Crop production, Horticulture, Plant Protection, seed Technology.
The module for the third year includes: Name of courses: Entrepreneurship Development and Field Practice which will be of months in different fields.
Both agriculture and livestock students will study same course in first year and 3 subject same in second year also. i.e Extension and community development, agribusiness management and Aquaculture and fishery. In third year On-the-Job training is compulsory with respective field.
Finally, the course should reflects:
the need of present Agriculture service in proper management
the respect gained from the communities through professional services.
the roles and responsibilities of Agriculture TECHNICIAN personnel to improve the Agriculture production and management as an enterprise to improve the livelihood of farmers.
the development of professionalism in Agriculture sector by addressing the present needs
Target Groups
SLC passed with second division youths are the target groups for this course.
Group Size
There will be 40 students in a batch.
Entry Criteria
The entry criteria are:
School Leaving Certificate (SLC) with second division.
Entrance examination will be organized to test the entry qualification of students, which will be administered by the CTEVT.
Final selection will be made on the basis of merit list. Student quota for different categories should be fixed as per CTEVT policies.
Candidates will submit the following documents at the time of application:
SLC passed certificate
Character certificate
Citizenship certificate (only for the verification of students name, parent's name, age, date of birth and address)
Medium of Instruction
The medium of instruction will be English and/or Nepali language.
Course Duration
The duration of the course will be of three years. The first year course is termed as core course and the second and third year courses as applied course. One academic year consists of maximum of 39 academic weeks. In this 39 weeks student will attend at internal theory, practical classes and final exam. Rest of 13 week they will go for summer/ winter and other festival vacation and one academic week consists of maximum of 40 hours.
Pattern of attendance
The students should secure at least 90 percent of attendance during the course in the classroom and 95 percent attendance at the fieldwork to appear in annual and final examinations.
Teacher and student ratio
The subject specialists of English, Nepali, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology as well as agriculture related and community development related with enterprises development course will be the lecturer. Their qualification will have Bachelor degree in related subjects. They will possess the academic and technical knowledge of agriculture, community development and business/enterprise development services, Chemistry, Physics, English and Nepali with some experience. Additional qualifications will be the experience of community planning and implementation through participatory rural appraisal or participatory rapid appraisal, and also the expertise in facilitation, group mobilization and presentation, case analysis and reporting, data analysis, planning process, livelihood improvement plan preparation and implementation process, marketing and development; financial management etc.
The overall ratio between teachers and students will be as follows:
Overall ratio of teacher and students must be 1:20 at the institutional level.
Teacher and student ratio for practical demonstration 1:10.
Minimum of 75% of the teachers must be fulltime.
Program Coordinator, Teacher and Demonstrator
The qualification of the Program Coordinator, Teacher and Demonstrator will be as follows:
The program coordinator must be a master degree holder in related field or he/she will have Bachelor degree in related field with minimum of 5 years experience in teaching activities or service after completion of the Bachelor degree.
The teacher must be a bachelor’s degree holder in related field
The demonstrator must have an intermediate level degree in related field with minimum of 2 years experience in teaching activities.
The basic science and general subject teachers must have a master’s degree in the related discipline.
Instructional Media and Materials
The following instructional media and materials will be used:
Printed media materials: Assignment sheets, case studies, handouts, performance checklists, textbooks etc.
Non-project media materials: Displays, models, photographs, flipchart, poster, writing board etc.
Projected media materials: Slides, overhead transparencies, opaque projections etc.
Audio-visual materials: Audiotapes, films, slide-tapes, videodisc, videotapes etc.
Computer based instructional materials: Computer based training, interactive video etc.
Teaching learning methodologies
This will be a combination of several approaches such as illustrated lecture, group discussion, demonstration, simulation, role play, guided practice, practical work, field visits, laboratory observation and work, report writing, term paper presentation, case analysis, tutoring etc. The main teaching and learning methodology will be as follows:
Theory: Lecture, Group discussion, assignment and group work etc.
Practical: Demonstration, observation and self-practice.
Disciplinary and Ethical Requirements
Intoxication, insubordination, or rudeness to peers will result in immediate suspension followed by a review by the disciplinary review committee of the college.
Dishonesty in academic or practice activities will result in immediate suspension followed by an administrative review, with possible expulsion.
Illicit drug use, bearing arms on campus, threats, or assaults to peers, faculty, or staff will result in immediate suspension, followed by an administrative review with possible expulsion.
Evaluation Scheme
a. Internal assessment
There shall be a transparent evaluation system for each subject both in theory and practical exposure.
Each subject will have internal evaluation at regular intervals of 4 months including formal and informal evaluation approaches and students must get the feedback about it.
(Weight age of theory and practical marks will be 20% and 40% respectively.)
The theoretical and practical assessment format must be used as per CTEVT developed and applied by the evaluators for evaluating student's performance in each subject related to the theoretical and practical experiences.
b. Final examination
Weight age of theory and practical marks will be 80% and 60% respectively
Students must pass in all subjects both in theory and practical to qualify for certification. If a student becomes unable to succeed in any subject s/he shall appear in the re-examination as administered by CTEVT.
Students shall be allowed to appear in final examination only after completing the internal assessment requirements.
c. Requirements for final practical examination
Qualified Agriculture /relevant subject teacher must evaluate final practical examinations.
One evaluator in one setting can evaluate not more than 20 students in a day.
Practical examination should be administered in actual situation on relevant subject withthe provision of at least one internal evaluator from the concerned or affiliating institute led by an external evaluator nominated by CTEVT.
Provision of re-examination shall be as per CTEVT policy.
Pass Marks
The pass marks for theory and practical examinations are:
40% in theory examination
60% in practical examination
Grading System
The following grading system will be adopted:
Distinction: 80% and above
First division: 65% to below 80%
Pass division: 40% in theory and 60% in practical
The council for technical education and vocational training will award certificates in "Diploma in Agriculture " to the candidates who successfully complete the requirements as prescribed by the CTEVT.
Career Path
The graduates would be eligible to work as mid-level technicians (Junior Technician, JT) in Agriculture sector as prescribed by the Public Service Commission or the concerned authorities. The graduates would also be eligible to apply for the entrance examination administered by the Institute of Agriculture.